Two paintings and a sculpture went on show at Arch Enemy Arts's The Yawning Black Infinity group show on October 18th in Philadelphia.
The Brat (above) along with 'And the crowd chanted' are two new pieces completed for the show.
During the first covid lockdown I found myself painting eggs with legs behaving recklessly - I've probably mentioned it here before, but sometime during that phase I realised I was facing that age-old womanly reckoning; whether or not I was happy to let time march on without having any children. I thought that was hilarious. Four years later I continue to waste eggs- bodily and on canvas.
In 2020 I painted 'Don't Worry, Everyone Does It' and felt a bit precious about exhibiting it at the right time and place.
The third in the series 'The Brat' has been sitting at the back of my mind for the last 3-4 years, so finally getting a chance to dedicate some time to it with show in mind was exciting and I was thrilled that Lawren at Arch Enemy Arts was happy to show it alongside its sister-piece.
She was also open to inviting the headache that was hanging my first interactive sculpture; in it, visitors to the show were invited to cast a vote on the final title of the piece.
A Sally doll peers over the edge of her wall-mounted perch. Participants are invited to cast their vote that the crowd chanted "Jump" or "Don't jump".
On the final poll, Lawren said "the installation was very popular during the First Friday event. The voting results were nearly neck and neck the whole time, with Don't Jump ultimately winning by just a handful of votes.
It was a pretty cool installation to have up while the US election was going on. Sort of convenient timing to have another voting experience to take part in - this one less daunting."

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