If it were me and I was watching someone hide things for a hunt, I'd assume that if I were to get to any given location on time, that whatever was hidden would be long gone. Especially in London, where there always seems to be someone around, day or night.
With that in mind, I hid the second Sally doll completely out of sight.
After taking down the show I had a day left before leaving London and fuckall in the way of cute ideas of where to place it. Also, I wouldn't be able to pop back to see if it had been taken or not.
The Newcastle* doll was in plain sight and there for anyone to take, but after hearing about the effort some people went to to track it down, I decided to give the instagrammers who were game for a hunt a fighting chance against passers-by who aren't afflicted with auto-guilt and the sense that the world might be watching them as they pick up and pocket something half appealing that appears to be going unclaimed by anyone.
I mean, that's sort of the point. But this time, I felt like doing it differently. If you couldn't tell, I'm making this up by the second.
Anyway, I shared the exact location with instagram and quietly wondered if anyone could be bothered to mission to Islington for some idle time wasting.
I was shocked and stoked when unbelievably, a photo of it was shared 30 minutes after I finished stuffing it in the ivy crawling up a wall in St mary's Church Garden.
Thanks for playing and thank you especially to Daniel Baker who found Sally and emailed to say "Cheers Candice. Think I pulled my back out running up angel stairs" which charmed the shit out of me.
* still no sign of the Newcastle Doll. Ideal Brown took me back to the spot where he left it and it's not there, not surround it. Gone. Someone must have taken it (which makes me really happy)
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